Could Not Have Picked a Better Place

Well, hello, hello! Or should I say “Ciao!”

It has been quite some time since we last spoke… Too long, in fact!

As some of you may know, I spent the semester abroad in Florence, Italy! It was the trip of a lifetime, and one that I really wish I could have brought you along for (as I had planned :/).

Unfortunately (or should I say, “fortunately”), I was craaazy busy with exploring Florence, taking classes, and traveling all around Europe. It was a truly incredible, life-changing experience that I am beyond grateful for.

That said, having such a jam-packed schedule (in the best way possible) meant the first thing I had to let go of was blogging. I was devastated to have to do this since this would have been the perfect place to document the amazing ride I was on.

Luckily, not posting on here certainly did not mean I forgot about my blog, or all the exciting changes I was ready to make to it! Noooo sir. Throughout the four months I spent in Europe, I journaled about my adventures, continued writing ideas for posts (lots of WIAWs!), and took a gazillion pics (for my own albums and to share with family and friends, but also to share with you guys)! Oh, and I don’t know if you noticed, but I did manage to Instagram quite a bit! 

So, even though I wasn’t able to update you on all my trips and daily happenings as I had dreamed about doing (and still wish I could’ve done)…

I am  b a c k  and ready to tell you  a l l  about it!!

So get ready, because it’s about to get a whole lot more fabulous around here. (Did you miss my cheesiness? No? Didn’t think so…😉)

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                 Back home, and ready to fill you in!

Anywho, to start off I’m actually zooming ahead to my final week in Florence. The following post is a reflection piece I wrote for a class about my experience as a whole right before leaving in mid-December. Since being home, I changed it to the past tense, since I am obviously no longer there :(.

Without further adieu, I hope you enjoy this slightly different version of What I Ate Wednesday! As always, thank you Jenn for hosting – I am so glad to be back at the party!

Stay tuned for more abroad recaps – there is plenty more food, Florence (+ 8 other countries!) photos, fashion, and fun stories where this came from!

“Ciao belle! Panini, insalate, or tagliere per tre tonight?”

“Tagliere per tre, grazie mille!”

We partook in this (almost) daily dialogue as we stepped foot into our favorite restaurant in Florence, where we were known as “the girls who laugh,” “the girls who drink wine,” and “the girls who eat a lot.” I guess those aren’t the worst things to be called, right?

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After walking past the newly refurbished, adorably decorated front counter where they cut delicious dried meats, assemble gorgeous plates of crostini and assorted cheeses, and create flavorful panini and salads, they gave us our usual “half liter of red, to start” and we headed to our typical table in the cozy back room.

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We took our seats, poured the wine, and the conversation began the way that it had every night that week. One of us said how we all felt: “I’m actually going to cry. How is this already over?”

As it neared the end of our time in Florence, Italy, we couldn’t stop wondering how we were supposed to leave when we’d been in pure bliss for the past four months.

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As we dove into our perfectly crafted plate of prosciutto, salami, aged pecorino, honey, crostini, and fresh bread, we began recapping some of the highlights of our abroad experience. The wine flowed, and so did the conversation as we shifted from discussing our hilarious memories and amazing travels to describing the things we love about Florence.

In less than one week, we’d have no choice but to pack our bags, a dreaded task that we knew would be done with lumps in our throats and tears in our eyes.

We liked to think that we always took the time to truly soak in our surroundings, but now that the days abroad were dwindling, doing so was more important than ever. The already vibrant place felt even more alive as we noticed every sight, sound, smell, taste, and detail of the spectacular city we spent the semester in.

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From the grandeur of the Duomo, to the breathtaking view from Piazzale Michelangelo, to the bustling Signoria Square, to the quiet side streets and family owned artisan workshops, the sights of Florence are a feast for the eyes.

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From the talented street musicians covering classics in Piazza Santa Croce, to the thousands of tourists speaking their native tongues, to the rush of crazy vespa drivers, to the clinking of wine glasses and forks on dishes, the sounds of Florence produce timeless music to the ears.

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From the pervasive fragrance of freshly baked cannoli and biscotti in nearby bakeries, to the whiff of strong espresso shots on cafe counters, to the floral aroma of Chianti Classico, to the sweet scent of nutella crepes and tiramisù ready to be devoured, the smells of Florence make every mouth water.

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From the perfect fresh tomatoes and basil atop homemade pastas, to the overwhelming flavor selection of creamy organic gelato, to the delectable aged cheeses and savory meats, to the full-bodied Brunello di Montalcino reds and crisp San Gimignano whites, the tastes of Florence are the best in the world.

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As we ate the last piece of bread and sipped the last drop of wine, we looked at our empty plates and felt that disappointed, yet satisfied feeling you get after finishing something delicious.

In just one week’s time, when we’d zip up our suitcases and close the door to our apartment, we knew we’d look back at the Ponte Vecchio and feel that sad, yet content feeling you get after ending something incredible.

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After our routine shot of limoncello with “our boys,” we started the walk home feeling melancholy that the meal we looked forward to all day was over, yet pleased about our choice for dinner.

We could not have picked a better place to be regulars.

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We knew that after we’d make our way through the narrow streets of Florence to the airport, we’d begin the journey back to America feeling heavy-hearted that this picture-perfect adventure was complete, yet happy about our decision to study abroad, and eternally grateful for getting the opportunity to do so.

We could not have picked a better place to call our home.

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I’ll be living in Europe… Say what?!

Hey hey happy Thursday!

I hope you enjoyed reading about all the good food and fun I had while in the Cape! I’m really missing it and I’m not gonna lie, I’ve already gone back and read both the first and the second trip recaps… No shame!

Anywhoozles, as I said yesterday, I had written a ‘Thinking Out Loud’ post in the car on the way to Cape Cod last Thursday, but since we had zero internet all weekend, I couldn’t post it.


Since I love linking up with Amanda on Thursdays to share a whole bunch of random thoughts (especially on things like being a crazy runner), of course I wanted to join the party even more this week since I couldn’t ‘attend’ last week! I didn’t want to trash last Thursday’s draft, so I edited it to make it more relevant (I had written a lot about the Cape Cod trip I was going on). So now I present to you my rambles…


1) I am leaving for Europe in less than one month. 24 days to be exact. Just a little over three weeks and I’ll be en route to Italy. Like what??

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. <- That’s an excited and slightly terrified scream.


I’m going to Italy for a semester abroad and right now I have a crazy mix of excitement, nerves, and disbelief. It honestly hasn’t hit me that I’ll be living in Europe for four months.

All I know is that it’ll be quite the learning experience, and hopefully one I will always be grateful for. Hopefully in ~1 month I’ll be doing well and adjusting to my ‘new’ life abroad! All I can do now is begin to think about packing… that’ll be brutal.

Jamming a semester’s worth of clothes/ toiletries/ all the things I need to survive in one large suitcase + a carry-on is going to be a job and a half…not looking forward to it one bit. Plus it doesn’t help that I already loathe packing and it’s almost impossible to know everything I’ll need while I’m in a country I’ve never been to. I just keep reminding myself that I can always buy the majority of the things I’ll need (minus most of my clothes/ certain toiletries, etc.). Knowing that makes the task of packing seem like a little less of a monster.

Besides packing I still have tons more prep to do (getting the visa/ bank stuff, etc. has been quite the task!), and all the planning/ figuring things out (phone, etc.) just never seems to end!

I really need to start doing more now while I’m still relatively relaxed. Doing all those things while also being nervous about leaving will not be pretty. I should get on that…

2) On another note…The tan lines I now have are just plain awkward. Running outside + lounging on the beach makes for some odd skin-tone differences.

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3) I finally did my nails… Thank goodness because they were not looking too hot.

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You probably can’t tell but I did a few little blue polka dots on my pale pink ring fingers. Ya know, just getting a little artsy fartsy.

4) Last week I wore a maxi skirt for the first time to work. I will now be wearing maxi skirts every other day (when I’m not in workout clothes).

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Instagram @ fuelingfab

5) I know I said way way way back when that I’d be doing a “how to style a maxi skirt” post. I took tons of photos and wrote a bunch of stuff and it’s saved as one of many drafts, but I just never got around to taking pics in the different ensembles. The way I’m wearing it in the above picture was the main way I was planning on styling it, so since I’m not thinking I’ll finish that post any time soon, we’re just going with this one, mmkay?


Terrible excuse but it now seems silly to take more pictures in this outfit plus a few other combos. However, I WILL definitely be doing more posts in the way I was going for with that “how to style” idea once I have things all figured out on my blog. I’m still experimenting/ exploring/ LEARNING! Thanks for being patient and sticking around 🙂

6) Speaking of clothes… On Thursday I literally felt like I was in pajamas (and simultaneously felt like a genie) at work. Not a bad feeling if you ask me!

Instagram video @ fuelingfab

Instagram video @ fuelingfab

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I am loving my Old Navy drapey tuxedo pants that I got back in May. If you like to be beyond comfortable while still looking chic, pants like these are the perfect style for you!

7) I think I chose my blog’s name for when I become self-hosted!


Instagram @ fuelingfab

Thank you @wthwhynot2011@faithfulaly, and @gabsessions for giving me some great input on Instagram!

I’ve thought a lot too much about the title and am currently leaning towards ‘Fueling Fab’. I think it works better for multiple reasons, but I won’t be self-hosted for a little while, so I’m still totally open to your input on the whole great debate (in fact, I’d love to hear it!). You can read about the current title here and here and about ‘Fueling Fab’ at the bottom of this post!

8) I really miss everything about Cape Cod. The beach, the pool, the time with family and friends, the food, oh and sipping some post-run coffee while looking out at this wasn’t a terrible way to start a day…

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Now don’t get me wrong, I love my hometown, but nothing can really compare to this view.


9) I know I said it back in June, but seriously, the freckle face is out in full force these days.

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10) I’ve been Instagramming (is that a verb?) basically all my work OOTDs, so if you’re here for the fashion, be sure to check out all the outfits I’ve been wearing to work at J.Crew @fuelingfab!


Instagram @ fuelingfab

11) And just for kicks and giggles…#tbt!

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Have a great rest of your week!


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Questions of the day:

  1. If you’ve been to Europe, what is your favorite country/place to visit?
  2. Fave memory from this summer so far?
  3. Any fun plans this weekend?

And in case you missed them, here are a few of my more recent posts…